Embperl - How to Build Large Scale Websites/Webapplications With Perl

ApacheCon 2002

Gerald Richter

ecos gmbh


The Embperl Website

Documentation are written in POD, Output should be HTML and PDF

Database for storing new, articles, sites useing Embperl and other Links.

Inclusion of various document formats (HTML, binary etc.)

Multilanguage (german, english)

The Layout

The starting page...

http://perl.apache.org/embperl/ or http://www.ecos.de/embperl/

The components of the page...

 | base.epl                                                 |
 | +------------------------------------------------------+ |
 | | header.epl                                           | |
 | +------------------------------------------------------+ |
 |                                                          |
 | +--------------+  +------------------------------------+ |
 | | menuleft.epl |  | content.epl                        | |
 | |              |  | +-------------------+ +----------+ | |
 | |              |  | | *                 | | news.epl | | |
 | |              |  | |                   | |          | | |
 | |              |  | |                   | |          | | |
 | |              |  | |                   | |          | | |
 | |              |  | |                   | |          | | |
 | |              |  | |                   | |          | | |
 | |              |  | |                   | |          | | |
 | |              |  | |                   | |          | | |
 | |              |  | +-------------------+ +----------+ | |
 | +--------------+  +------------------------------------+ |
 |                                                          |
 | +------------------------------------------------------+ |
 | | footer.epl                                           | |
 | +------------------------------------------------------+ |


    $r = shift ;
    $http_headers_out{'content-type'} = 'text/html' ;
            <style type="text/css">
               body                 {font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica;  font-size: 12px; }
               table                {font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica;  font-size: 12px; }
        <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
            [- Execute ('header.epl') -]
            <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                    <td>[- Execute ('menuleft.epl') -]</td>
                    <td width="2">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td height="100%"><img src="/eg/images/frame.jpg" width="1" height="100%"></td>
                    <td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td width="90%">[- Execute ('content.epl') -]</td>
                    <td width="2">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td height="100%"><img src="/eg/images/frame.jpg" width="1" height="100%"></td>
                    <td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
            [- Execute ('footer.htm') -]


    <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
            <td valign="top">
            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
                [- Execute ({'*') -]</td>
            <td width="10">&nbsp;</td>
            <td height="100%"><img src="/eg/images/frame.jpg" width="1" height="100%"></td>
            <td width="2">&nbsp;</td>
            <td align="left" width="152"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
                [- Execute ('news.epl') -] 

Embperl's objects

The request-object

Makes data about the request avaiable, like URI, HTTP-header, form data

The component-object

Makes data about the component available, like filename, syntax, recipe

The application-object

Brings together the data of a set of pages that forms an application. Like session handling, logging and configuration.


Embperl::Object manages the calling and overriding of components

  1. ) Createing of the request-object and populating it with informations about the request
  2. ) Loading of the base template
    Starting at the directory that contains the file that is requested, Embperl::Object searches the directory hierachie up to the document root (or EMBPERL_OBJECT_STOPDIR) for the base template. All dierectories of this search are now part of the search path for loading all file in this request. That is not only true for other Embperl components, but also for other files like XSL sytlesheets.

  3. ) Application-object searching and loading
  4. ) Setting of the inherence
  5. ) calling the init method of the application object
    This allows to execute application specific code (like database access) and modify the request. In a MCV modell this is the controller.

  6. ) Loading of the actual requested page and blessing of the request object into the package of this page
  7. ) Setting the inherence of the request-object
        Requested page
        Base template
  8. ) Executing the base template

The application-object of the Embperl Website

Parts of the base application

    sub init 
        my $self     = shift ;
        my $r        = shift ;
        my $config = Execute ({object => 'config.pl', syntax => 'Perl'}) ;
        $config -> new ($r) ;    

        $r -> {config} = $config  ;    
        $r -> {menu}   = $config -> get_menu ($r) ;    
        fill_menu ($config, $r -> {menu}, $r -> {baseuri}, $r -> {root}) ;
        $pf = map_file ($r) ;
        $r -> param -> filename ($pf) ;
        Execute ({inputfile => 'messages.pl', syntax => 'Perl'}) ;
        return 0 ;

The configuration (config.pl)

        %messages = (
            'de' =>
                'Introduction'  => 'Einführung',
                'Documentation' => 'Dokumentation',
                'Examples'      => 'Beispiele',
                'Changes'       => 'Änderungen',
                'Sites using Embperl' => 'Websites mit Embperl',
                'Add info about Embperl' => 'Hinzufügen über Embperl',
            ) ;
        @menu = (
            { menu => 'Home',                   uri => '',                          file => { en => 'eg/web/index.htm', 
                                                                                              de => 'eg/web/indexD.htm'} },
            { menu => 'Features',               uri => 'pod/Features.htm',          file => 'Features.pod' },
            { menu => 'Introduction',           uri => 'pod/intro/', sub =>
                { menu => 'Embperl',            uri => 'Intro.htm',                 file => { en => 'Intro.pod', 
                                                                                             'de' => 'IntroD.pod'}},
                { menu => 'Embperl::Object',    uri => 'IntroEmbperlObject.htm',    file => 'IntroEmbperlObject.pod'},
            { menu => 'Documentation',          uri => 'pod/doc/', sub => 
                { menu => 'Embperl',            uri => 'Embperl.htm',               file => { en => 'Embperl.pod', 
                                                                                              de => 'EmbperlD.pod'}},
                { menu => 'Embperl::Object',    uri => 'EmbperlObject.htm',         file => 'Embperl/Object.pm'},
                { menu => 'Embperl::Syntax',    uri => 'EmbperlSyntax.htm',         file => 'Embperl/Syntax.pm', sub =>
                    { menu => 'Embperl',        uri => 'Embperl.htm',               file => 'Embperl/Syntax/Embperl.pm'},
                    { menu => 'EmbperlBlocks',  uri => 'EmbperlBlocks.htm',         file => 'Embperl/Syntax/EmbperlBlks.pm'},
                    { menu => 'EmbperlHTML',    uri => 'EmbperlHTML.htm',           file => 'Embperl/Syntax/EmbperlHTML.pm'},
                    { menu => 'HTML',           uri => 'HTML.htm',                  file => 'Embperl/Syntax/HTML.pm'},
                    { menu => 'ASP',            uri => 'ASP.htm',                   file => 'Embperl/Syntax/ASP.pm'},
                    { menu => 'SSI',            uri => 'SSI.htm',                   file => 'Embperl/Syntax/SSI.pm'},
                    { menu => 'Perl',           uri => 'Perl.htm',                  file => 'Embperl/Syntax/Perl.pm'},
                    { menu => 'POD',            uri => 'POD.htm',                   file => 'Embperl/Syntax/POD.pm'},
                    { menu => 'Text',           uri => 'Text.htm',                  file => 'Embperl/Syntax/Text.pm'},
                    { menu => 'RTF',            uri => 'RTF.htm',                   file => 'Embperl/Syntax/RTF.pm'},
                    { menu => 'Mail',           uri => 'Mail.htm',                  file => 'Embperl/Syntax/Mail.pm'},
                { menu => 'Embperl::Recipe',    uri => 'EmbperlRecipe.htm',         file => 'Embperl/Recipe.pm', sub =>
                    { menu => 'Embperl',        uri => 'Embperl.htm',               file => 'Embperl/Recipe/Embperl.pm'},
                    { menu => 'EmbperlXSLT',    uri => 'EmbperlXSLT.htm',           file => 'Embperl/Recipe/EmbperlXSLT.pm'},
                    { menu => 'XSLT',           uri => 'XSLT.htm',                  file => 'Embperl/Recipe/XSLT.pm'},
            { menu => 'Installation',           uri => 'pod/INSTALL.htm',           file => 'INSTALL.pod' },
            { menu => 'FAQ',                    uri => 'pod/Faq.htm',               file => 'Faq.pod' },
            { menu => 'Tips & Tricks',          uri => 'pod/TipsAndTricks.htm',     file => 'TipsAndTricks.pod' },
            { menu => 'Examples',               uri => 'examples/' },
            { menu => 'Changes',                uri => 'pod/Changes.htm',           file => 'Changes.pod' },
            { menu => 'Sites using Embperl',    uri => 'pod/Sites.htm',             file => 'Sites.pod' },
            { menu => 'News',                   uri => 'db/news/news.htm',          file => 'eg/web/db/data.epd', 
                                                                                    fdat => { 'category_id' => 1 } },
            { menu => 'Sites using Embperl',    uri => 'db/sites/sites.htm',        file => 'eg/web/db/data.epd', 
                                                                                    fdat => { 'category_id' => 2 } },
            { menu => 'Add info about Embperl',             uri => 'db/addsel.epl', same => 
                { menu => 'Select category',        uri => 'db/add.epl' },
                { menu => 'Review added info',      uri => 'db/show.epl'},
                { menu => 'Show info',              uri => 'db/data.epd' },
            ) ;
        } ;
    sub new
        my ($self, $r) = @_ ;
        # The following two values must be changed to meet your local setup
        # Additionaly DBI and DBIx::Recordset must be installed

        $self -> {dbdsn}      = $^O eq 'MSWin32'?'dbi:ODBC:embperl':'dbi:mysql:embperl' ;
        $self -> {dbuser}     = 'www' ;
        $self -> {dbpassword} = undef ;

    sub get_menu 
        my ($self, $r) = @_ ;
        push @{$r -> messages}, $messages{$r -> param -> language} ;
        return \@menu ; 

The navigation

    [$ sub menuitem $]
    my ($url, $txt, $state, $tablebg, $ndx) = @_ ; 
        <td [$if $tablebg $]background="[+ $r -> {imageuri} +]/hintergrund-nav.gif"[$endif$]> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
              <td nowrap align=left width=[+ $ndx * 15 + 2 +]>
                    <img = src="[+ $r -> {imageuri} +]/transp.gif" width="1"></td>
              <td nowrap align=left width=15>
                    <img src="[+ $r -> {imageuri} +]/i-sub-[+ $state>1?($state>2?'on':'open'):'off' 
                                +].gif" width="11" height="11" vspace="6" hspace="5"></td>
              <td nowrap align=left>
                    <a href="[+ $url +]"><b>[+ $r -> gettext ($txt) +]</a></b></td>
    [$ endsub $]
    [$ sub menu $]
    my ($menu, $ndx, $top) = @_ ; 

        [$ foreach my $item (@{$menu}) $]
            if ( $r -> {menuitems}[$ndx] eq $item)
                menuitem ($item -> {url}, $item -> {menu}, $r -> {menuitems}[$ndx+1]?2:3, $top, $ndx) ;
                menu ($item -> {sub}, $ndx + 1, 0) if ($item -> {sub}) ;
                menuitem ($item -> {url}, $item -> {menu}, 0, $top, $ndx) ;
                <td><img src="/eg/images/linie-nav.gif" width="152" height="1"></td>
        [$endforeach $]
    [$ endsub $]
    $r = shift ;
    <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td><img src="/eg/images/h_content.gif" width="152" height="19"></td>
      [- menu ($r -> {menu} , 0, 1) -]
        <td><img src="/eg/images/h_current-v.gif" width="152" height="19"></td>
        <td><img src="/eg/images/linie-nav.gif" width="152" height="1"></td>
        <td bgcolor="#D2E9F5"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stable 
        <td><img src="/eg/images/linie-nav.gif" width="152" height="1"></td>
        <td><img src="/eg/images/transp.gif" width="152" height="5"></td>
        <td><img src="/eg/images/linie-nav.gif" width="152" height="1"></td>
        <td bgcolor="#D2E9F5"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            Beta 2.0b8</b></td>
        <td><img src="/eg/images/linie-nav.gif" width="152" height="1"></td>

The news column of the home page

    use DBIx::Recordset ;
    $r = shift ;
    *set = DBIx::Recordset -> Search ({'!DataSource'    => $r -> {dbdsn},
                                       '!Username'      => $r -> {dbuser},
                                       '!Password'      => $r -> {dbpassword},
                                       '!DBIAttr'       => { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1, 
                                                             LongReadLen => 32765, LongTruncOk => 0, },
                                       '!Table'         => 'item, itemtext', 
                                       '!TabRelation'   => 'item_id = item.id',
                                       '!Order'         => 'creationtime desc',
                                       'language_id'    => $r -> param -> language,
                                       'category_id'    => 1,
                                       '$max'           => 15}) ;
        <table width="252" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td><img src="[+ $r -> {imageuri} +]/h_news.gif" width="152" height="19"/></td>
                [$while ($rec = $set -> Next)$]
                    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                          <td bgcolor="#327EA7"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>
                            <font color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;
                                [+ $rec -> {heading} +]
                          <td bgcolor="#C2D9E5"><img src="[+ $r -> {imageuri} +]/linie-news.gif" width="152" height="4"/></td>
                          <td bgcolor="#D2E9F5">
                            <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
                                <td><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
                                    $txt = $rec -> {description} ;
                                    $txt =~ s#<#&lt;#g ;
                                    $txt =~ s#>#&gt;#g ;
                                    $txt =~ s#B&lt;(.*?)&gt;#<B>$1</B>#g ;
                                    $txt =~ s#(http://[-a-zA-Z.]+)#<A HREF="$1">$1</A>#g ;
                                    [+ do { local $escmode = 0 ; $txt } +]
                [$endwhile $]

Syntaxes, Recipes and Provider

The execution of a component is divied in multiple steps. Every step is done by a separate provider.

Recipes defines in which order providers are executed.

This could be a simple linear structure or even a complex tree structure.

The Defaultrecipe: 'Embperl'

Read the source (File, Memory)

The syntax tells the parser and compiler what input format they should expect

Examples: Embperl, ASP, SSI, Perl, Text, POD, RTF

You can create your own syntax by writing a new syntax class.

You can extented an existing syntax by inherenting from an existing class

Every intermediate step and the result can be cached

Rendering POD to HTML via XML and XSLT

The syntax POD transforms POD to XML

    =head1 NAME
    =head1 Description
    Here we have some text

will become

                Here we have some text

This basicly generates the same XML as Pod::XML

The Recipe EmbperlXSLT

Read the source (File, Memory)
Read the stylesheet
``Compile'' the stylesheet
``Compile'' the result of the Executing of the primary source
XSLT Transformation

The usage of the XSLT Transformation allows the creation of different layouts from the same source.

By transformation into XSL-FO and appending of the XSL-FO Provider it's easly possible create PDF's


    [- Execute ({inputfile => '*'})  -]

The recipe for the Embperl web is provided by the application object

    sub get_recipe
    my ($class, $r, $recipe) = @_ ;
    my $self ;
    my $param  = $r -> component -> param  ;
    my $config = $r -> component -> config  ;
    my ($src)  = $param -> inputfile =~ /^.*\.(.*?)$/ ;
    my ($dest) = $r -> param -> uri =~ /^.*\.(.*?)$/ ;

    if ($src eq 'pl')
        $config -> syntax('Perl') ;
        return Embperl::Recipe::Embperl -> get_recipe ($r, $recipe) ;
    if ($src eq 'pod' || $src eq 'pm')
        $config -> escmode(0) ;
        if ($dest eq 'pod')
            $config -> syntax('Text') ;
            return Embperl::Recipe::Embperl -> get_recipe ($r, $recipe) ;
        $config -> syntax('POD') ;
        if ($dest eq 'xml')
            return Embperl::Recipe::Embperl -> get_recipe ($r, $recipe) ;
        $config -> xsltstylesheet('pod.xsl') ;
        $r -> param -> uri =~ /^.*\/(.*)\.(.*?)$/ ;
        $param -> xsltparam({
                page      => $fdat{page} || 0, 
                basename  => "'$1'", 
                extension => "'$2'",
                imageuri  => "'$r->{imageuri}'",
                baseuri   => "'$r->{baseuri}'",
                }) ;
        return Embperl::Recipe::EmbperlXSLT -> get_recipe ($r, $recipe) ;

    if ($src eq 'epd')
        $config -> escmode(0) ;
        $config -> options($config -> options | &Embperl::Constant::optKeepSpaces) ;
        if ($dest eq 'pod')
            $config -> syntax('EmbperlBlocks') ;
            return Embperl::Recipe::Embperl -> get_recipe ($r, $recipe) ;
        $config -> xsltstylesheet('pod.xsl') ;
        $r -> param -> uri =~ /^.*\/(.*)\.(.*?)$/ ;
        $param -> xsltparam({
                page      => $fdat{page} || 0, 
                basename  => "'$1'", 
                extension => "'$2'",
                imageuri  => "'$r->{imageuri}'",
                baseuri   => "'$r->{baseuri}'",
                }) ;
        return Embperl::Recipe::EmbperlPODXSLT -> get_recipe ($r, $recipe) ;

    if ($src eq 'epl' || $src eq 'htm')
        $config -> syntax('Embperl') ;
        return Embperl::Recipe::Embperl -> get_recipe ($r, $recipe) ;
    $config -> syntax('Text') ;
    return Embperl::Recipe::Embperl -> get_recipe ($r, $recipe) ;

The database application

Separation of Code, Layout and Data


    use DBIx::Recordset ;
    BEGIN { Execute ({isa => '../epwebapp.pl'}) ; }
    sub init 
        my $self     = shift ;
        my $r        = shift ;
        $self -> SUPER::init ($r) ;
        $self -> initdb ($r) ;
        my $db = $r -> {db} ;
        $r -> {language_set} = DBIx::Recordset -> Search ({'!DataSource' => $db, 
                                                           '!Table' => 'language'}) ;

        if ($fdat{-add_category})
            $self -> add_category ($r) ;
            $self -> get_category($r) ;
        elsif ($fdat{-add_item})
            $self -> add_item ($r) ;
            $self -> get_category($r) ;
            $self -> get_item_lang($r) ;
        elsif ($fdat{-show_item})
            $self -> get_category($r) ;
            $self -> get_item_lang($r) ;
            $self -> get_category($r) ;
            $self -> get_item($r) ;
        return 0 ;
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    sub initdb
        my $self     = shift ;
        my $r        = shift ;
        $DBIx::Recordset::Debug = 2 ;
        *DBIx::Recordset::LOG = \*STDERR ;
        my $db = DBIx::Database -> new ({'!DataSource' => $r -> {dbdsn},
                                         '!Username'   => $r -> {dbuser},
                                         '!Password'   => $r -> {dbpassword},
                                         '!DBIAttr'    => { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1, 
                                                            LongReadLen => 32765, LongTruncOk => 0, },

                                         }) ;
        $db -> TableAttr ('*', '!SeqClass', "DBIx::Recordset::FileSeq,$r->{root}/db") if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ;
        $db -> TableAttr ('*', '!Filter', 
            'creationtime'  => [\&current_time, undef, DBIx::Recordset::rqINSERT  ],
            'modtime'       => [\&current_time, undef, DBIx::Recordset::rqINSERT + DBIx::Recordset::rqUPDATE ],
            }) ;
        $r -> {db} = $db ;
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    sub current_time
        my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
        $mon++ ;
        $year += 1900 ;
        return "$year-$mon-$mday $hour:$min:$sec" ;
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    sub add_category
        my $self     = shift ;
        my $r        = shift ;
        my $set = DBIx::Recordset -> Insert ({'!DataSource' => $r -> {db}, 
                                              '!Table'      => 'category',
                                              '!Serial'     => 'id',
                                               state        => 0}) ;
        my $id = $$set -> LastSerial ;
        my $langset = $r -> {language_set} ;
        my $txtset = DBIx::Recordset -> Setup ({'!DataSource' => $r -> {db}, 
                                                '!Table'      => 'categorytext'}) ;

        $$langset -> Reset ;
        while ($rec = $$langset -> Next)
            $$txtset -> Insert ({category_id => $id,
                                 language_id => $rec->{id},
                                 category    => $fdat{"category_$rec->{id}"}}) if ($fdat{"category_$rec->{id}"}) ;
            delete $fdat{"category_$rec->{id}"} ;
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    sub add_item
        my $self     = shift ;
        my $r        = shift ;
        my $set = DBIx::Recordset -> Insert ({'!DataSource' => $r -> {db}, 
                                              '!Table'      => 'item',
                                              '!Serial'     => 'id',
                                               url          => $fdat{url},
                                               category_id  => $fdat{category_id},
                                               state        => 0}) ;
        my $id = $$set -> LastSerial ;
        my $langset = $r -> {language_set} ;
        my $txtset = DBIx::Recordset -> Setup ({'!DataSource' => $r -> {db}, 
                                                '!Table'      => 'itemtext'}) ;

        $$langset -> Reset ;
        while ($rec = $$langset -> Next)
            $$txtset -> Insert ({item_id => $id,
                                 language_id => $rec->{id},
                                 description => $fdat{"description_$rec->{id}"},
                                 url         => $fdat{"url_$rec->{id}"} || $fdat{url},
                                 heading     => $fdat{"heading_$rec->{id}"}}) if ($fdat{"heading_$rec->{id}"}) ;
        $fdat{item_id} = $id ;
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    sub get_category
        my $self     = shift ;
        my $r        = shift ;
        $r -> {category_set} = DBIx::Recordset -> Search ({'!DataSource' => $r -> {db}, 
                                                           '!Table' => 'category, categorytext', 
                                                           '!TabRelation' => 'category_id = category.id',
                                                           'language_id'  => $r -> param -> language,
                                                           $fdat{category_id}?(category_id => $fdat{category_id}):()}) ;
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    sub get_item
        my $self     = shift ;
        my $r        = shift ;
        $r -> {item_set} = DBIx::Recordset -> Search ({'!DataSource' => $r -> {db}, 
                                                           '!Table' => 'item, itemtext', 
                                                           '!TabRelation' => 'item_id = item.id',
                                                           'language_id'  => $r -> param -> language,
                                                           $fdat{category_id}?(category_id => $fdat{category_id}):(),
                                                           $fdat{item_id}?(item_id => $fdat{item_id}):()}) ;
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    sub get_item_lang
        my $self     = shift ;
        my $r        = shift ;
        $r -> {item_set} = DBIx::Recordset -> Search ({'!DataSource' => $r -> {db}, 
                                                       '!Table' => 'item, itemtext, language', 
                                                       '!TabRelation' => 'item_id = item.id and language_id = language.id',
                                                       $fdat{category_id}?(category_id => $fdat{category_id}):(),
                                                       $fdat{item_id}?(item_id => $fdat{item_id}):()}) ;


    [- $r = shift -]
    [= addsel1 =]
            [- $rec = $r -> {category_set}[$row] -]
            <a href="add.epl?category_id=[+ $rec -> {category_id} +]">[+ $rec -> {category} +]</a>
    <form action="[+ $r -> param -> uri +]">
    [= addsel2 =]<br> 
    [= addsel3 =]<br><br>
            [- $rec = $r -> {language_set}[$row] -]
            <td>[+ $rec -> {name} +]:</td><td><input type="text" name="category_[+ $rec -> {id} +]" size=80></td>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="-add_category" value="[=addsel4=]">


messages.pl stores the different texts

    $r = shift ;
    %messages =
        'de' =>
            'addsel1' => 'Klicken Sie auf die Kategorie zu der Sie etwas hinzufügen möchten:',
            'addsel2' => 'oder fügen Sie eine neue Kategorie hinzu. Bitte geben Sie die Beschreibung ein.',
            'addsel3' => 'Falls Sie die Übersetzung nicht wissen, lassen Sie das entsprechende Eingabefeld leer.',
            'addsel4' => 'Kategorie hinzufügen',
            'add1'    => 'Hinzufügen eines neuen Eintrages zu',
            'add2'    => 'Bitte geben Sie die Beschreibung in so vielen Sprachen wie Ihnen möglich ein.',
            'add3'    => 'Hinzufügen zu',
            'heading' => 'Überschrift',
            'url'     => 'URL',
            'description'  => 'Beschreibung',
            'show2'   => 'Folgender Eintrag wurde erfolgreich der Datenbank hinzugefügt',
        'en' =>
            'addsel1' => 'Click on the category for wich you want to add a new item:',
            'addsel2' => 'or add new category. Please enter the description in as much languages as possible.',
            'addsel3' => 'If you don\'t know the translation leave the corresponding input field empty.',
            'addsel4' => 'Add category',
            'add1'    => 'Add a new item to',
            'add2'    => 'Please enter the description in as much languages as possible.',
            'add3'    => 'Add to',
            'heading' => 'Heading',
            'url'     => 'URL',
            'description'  => 'Description',
            'show2'   => 'The following entry has been sucessfully added to the database',
        ) ;
    $lang = $r -> param -> language ;
    push @{$r -> messages}, $messages{$lang} ;
    push @{$r -> default_messages}, $messages{'en'} if ($lang ne 'en') ;

Replacement of [= foo =] through the matching text, as far as available

$r -> gettext('foo') to get the matching text


There are many more possibilities of Embperl, for example session-handling and form validation

2.0b8 is the last beta, which is already quite stable

Final release of 2.0 is planed for the next three month.

Main addition will be documentation improvements and threads to use the full power of mod_perl 2 in threaded mode.

More informations can be found on the Embperl Web Site

